First, on Tuesday 15 April, the shocking news that Virunga National Park director Emmanuel de Merode got attacked on the road between Goma and Rumangabo (he survived the gunshots and is recovering) and then the world premiere of the impressive “Virunga” documentary at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York on Thursday 17 April.
I would like to share a selection of links to the trailer of the overwhelming documentary and to news messages in the international media:
Information on the documentary and the trailer:
Interesting broadcast on Virunga in Belgian news show (please see minute 16.45 to 21.12)
Belgian news – De Morgen
Dutch news – NOS
German news – Zeit Online
African news – News 24
United Nations statement – allAfrica/ UN News service
SOCO International statement on their website
NY news after the world premiere of the “Virunga” documentary – ABC news