There was no need to say goodbye in Rumangabo as I will be back soon enough. I spent the last weekend of my first business trip in Goma. Maarten and I worked several hours and we browsed a bit around town. I shouldn’t be surprised anymore by how small the world can be, but I still am from time to time. Several examples in Goma, but I just want to mention Adalbert. My previous FZS colleague. It was lovely to catch up with him in the garden of le Chalet restaurant Sunday afternoon. He sets up his own “language business” now. He is translator for the upcoming Virunga documentary by filmmaker Orlando. Details will follow. And also, Adalbert may become Maarten’s French teacher.
So the (ad)venture really started – I’m in the middle of it. It is even more impressive than I expected. With the Virunga Alliance, we build strong partnerships to “create stability through sustainable development”. I will be more than happy to keep you posted via this blog. And also, please feel free to contact me with any questions, suggestions, connections or donations. Businesswise or if you’re interested to visit this unique, magnificent place. Karibu sana!